About Us

Jozi Jammers is a Christian Based Nursery School which is part of Northpoint City Church. We love working with children and their parents.

We believe that each child is a blessing from God and our passion is to see children grow into what God has ordained them to be by teaching them the truth of the Bible.



At Jozi Jammers we focus on giving the children essential skills and mindsets founded on Biblical principles. We incorporate sound Biblical values into  our class routine. At Jozi Jammers we use Letterland and teach around weekly themes.  We cover all essential learning domains.  That being social,  intellectual, physical, spiritual and emotional.

We aim to instil a Godly confidence in each child to equip them to walk in all that God has for them and their life ahead. We believe each child has a wonderful destiny in Jesus and a great calling to fulfil.

We focus on good solid teaching time mixed with lots of fun and free play to establish their social and language skills.


Daily Routine

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7am – 7.30am: School Opens. Free play, imaginative play. Puzzles.

7.30am – 8am: Breakfast

8am – 8.30am: Classes start. Bible story, memory verse, worship.

8.30am – 9am: Theme Based Discussion. Perceptual Development. Language Development.

9am – 9.30am: Exercises. Gross motor skills that are age appropriate.

9.30am – 10am: Toilet routine , wash hands. Snack time.

10am – 11am: Outdoor free play. Social skills. Language development. Gross motor development.

11am – 12pm: Craft/creative activities, painting, cutting. Craft related to the theme. Fine motor skills – puzzles, threading, beading, peg boards.

12pm – 12.30pm: Lunch time.

12.30pm: Half Day ends.

12.30 – 2.30pm: After care nap time. End of ¾ day.

2.30 – 5.30pm: After care arts and crafts. Snack at 3pm. Full day ends at 5.30pm.


Here is our weekly menu. Click to enlarge.

Contact us to enrol your child today!